Hey lovely! I'm Nicole..
I've know how it feels to stay stuck and frustrated...
If you've followed me, you'll know I battled low confidence and impostor syndrome for decades in my advertising career..
On the outside, everyone thought I had it nailed.
I had a great job. I'd present at events all over the world. I even won awards for my work.
But on the inside, it was a different damned story! I was an anxious mess.
I purposely played small because I was scared. I didn't know how to rewire my brain for confidence and bigger success.
But here's the thing.. I was holding onto the answers the entire time..

If I couldn't crack it,
no-one could!
My job was to understand people. I knew the science. I was a communication and behaviour specialist after all. (I’ve a Masters degree in this stuff.)
So I set out to learn everything I could about mindset and confidence.
I certified as a Master Neuro-Coach. an NLP and IEMT practitioner and I became CPD accredited.
I'm also a highly experienced public speaker, panellist, trainer and host who understands that putting yourself out there is less about technique - and everything to do with mindset..
(It might surprise you to know that I used to have full-blown public speaking fear!).